Music Groups
Chancel Choir
The choir sings weekly on Sundays at the 9:30 AM worship service from the Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before Memorial Day. They practice every Thursday evening at 7:30 PM during the school year. Special performances are often held for Christmas and/or Easter.
Bellissimo Bell Choir
The Adult Bellissimo Bell Choir plays for the 9:30 AM Sunday worship service at various times throughout the year, occasionally performing in combination with the Adult Chancel Choir. They rehearse on Thursday evenings at 6:00 PM.
Happy Hearts Children Choir
Directed by Miki and Scott Powell, and Amy Bishop
The children’s choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The choir performs at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service during various times throughout the year. Children in 2nd grade and above are invited to sing with us.
Sweet Hearts Choir
This choir is for preschool and non-readers. Practices are during Sunday School. The choir performs at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service during various times throughout the year.