Become a Member
We welcome new members into the fellowship of our congregation several times a year. Those interested in membership or who want more information about our church attend one evening orientation class. Members are received on the following Sunday during the worship service. Contact the church office for information and dates. The staff will be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have.
Office Volunteers
Volunteers are needed frequently to help with light office work and with the church Highlight newsletter.
Garden Angels
Members and friends help weed, plant, water and do maintenance of the grounds. Please consider helping where and when you are able.
Building Maintenance & Repair
Members of the church meet on a project-by-project basis for fellowship and to perform tasks of repair and maintenance around the church building, inside and out.
Time, Talent and Treasure
Time….time is spent in worship, in serving on committees and boards, teaching Sunday school, working on mission projects, or pulling weeds, and enjoying the fellowship of others.
Talent…each of us contributes something special, something he or she is able and willing to do. This might include writing for the newsletter, singing in the choir or preparing a special dish for the next potluck supper.
Treasure…from the bounty God provides, a portion of your wealth helps the church to meet its financial obligations.