
Our Mission

We, as a community in Christ, shall provide and administer a continuum of opportunities for worship, education, fellowship and outreach. It is our mission to serve individual, local, national and world needs.

We Provide Support to Local, National and International Organizations

Tri-City Health Partnership

The Tri-City Health Partnership is staffed by area physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who volunteer their time to provide quality care.

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Tri-City Family Services

Tri-City Family Services serves the tri-cities through therapy and crisis intervention, counseling, education programs, and training in response to community needs.

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CASA Kane County

CASA is a non-profit organization that trains and supervises community volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children in Juvenile Court.

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Pottawatomie Habitat for Humanity

Our church is a charter member of the Pottawatomie Habitat Partnership, a partnership group of twelve local churches and the Harris Bank of St. Charles. This collaboration works to build affordable housing for needy families in the Northern Fox Valley Region.

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Outdoor Ministries

Outdoor Ministries encompasses two camps: Pilgrim Park, located near Princeton, Illinois and Tower Hill, located new Sawyer, Michigan. Members and groups of all ages take advantage of the facilities throughout the year.

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Back Bay Mission

Back Bay Mission serves low income elderly people in southern Mississippi. Funds to run the mission come entirely from UUC churches. Over the years, we have sponsored many Back Bay shrimp dinners and various members have traveled to Back Bay Mission for youth and adult work trips.

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Neighbors in Need

This annual fall offering goes to denomination relief projects within the United States. Through NIN we offer food, shelter, education, health, and wellness – in Christ’s name – to our brothers and sisters in need. We also advocate on issues that address the root causes of hunger, poverty, racism, injustice, violence, disease, and harm to the environment.

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Chicago, United, Eden Seminaries – CUE

C.U.E. are three Midwestern UCC seminaries that educate our future pastors. CUE receives funds from local churches from 16 UCC Conferences. These funds are used to provide financial assistance to seminarians. Most of these students will become pastors in UCC churches. Reverend Bill Nagy is an Eden Seminary alumnus. Reverends John Rodgers and Suzy Daly are Chicago Theological Seminary alumni.

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Lazarus House

Lazarus House is a year round homeless shelter serving guests with a connection to the Tri-Cities. Our members, confirmands, youth group and friends volunteer on the third Wednesday of each month to deliver and serve the evening meal as well as breakfast and lunches for the next day.

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Salvation Army & Tri-City Food Pantry

We support the local Salvation Army in St. Charles with clothing and bell ringers at Christmas. On the fourth Sunday of each month, members are asked to bring non-perishable food donations we deliver to the Elburn Food Pantry and to the Salvation Army/Tri-City Food Bank.

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Elderday Center

Elderday Center was established by our own congregation in 1989 with a $10,000 grant as an outreach ministry to provide adult day care.

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Our Churches Wider Mission – OCWM

Although our church is independent and self-governing, it is part of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination. Our mission dollars for remote mission activity (state, national, or overseas) can be spent more effectively if they are pooled with those of other churches through an organization such as the UCC.

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One Great Hour of Sharing – OGHS

Although our church is independent and self-governing, it is part of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination. Our mission dollars for remote mission activity (state, national, or overseas) can be spent more effectively if they are pooled with those of other churches through an organization such as the UCC.

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Disaster Relief

We collect special offerings as the need arises to be sent to areas in need of immediate assistance.

Family Fund

The Family Fund is an ongoing fund to help members of our congregation and community members with special needs. This fund is confidentially administered by the Pastors and Council President.

St. Charles Shelter Assistance

Established by the St. Charles Ministerial Association, this ecumenical ministry is funded primarily by its member churches. The Shelter Assistance Committee has the task of assisting with shelter needs as an extension of ministries to the poor.

We also provide special opportunities

  • Annual Blood Drive
  • Christmas Giving Tree
  • Holiday Hat and Mitten Tree
  • Monthly “Food on the Fourth” Collection
  • Provide Meals for Families in Need
  • Increase Our Love for God and Neighbor by Inviting a neighbor to Church
  • Night Ministry
  • Jesus Has Left The Building